Estate Planning

Rhodes Tucker can work with you to develop estate plans looking to achieve individual, family, and business goals and unlock value in your assets, opportunities, and challenges in creative ways focused on your endgame. You might consider updating your estate plan if you recently moved from another state or purchased an expensive property. As well, you should look at your estate plan very regularly as state laws and the Internal Revenue Code change rapidly with respect to probate and estate planning – a seemingly unending political football. Additionally, changes in your family (a newborn child or grandchild) or business expectations should prompt you to update your will, trusts, and other estate plan elements. While looking at your plan, you might notice omitted assets, decide to provide for a favorite cause or charity, consider different ways to title real estate, or uncover opportunities to reduce income or other taxes.

Rhodes Tucker will consult with you in the true sense. We won’t just ask you legal questions, but we will ask about you, what you want in life, and where you are headed. We might identify a beneficial tax structure, ways to reduce exposure to lawsuits or government policy changes, ways to enhance liquidity or ward off creditors, or new opportunities in that discussion. If nothing else, we might give you some ideas to consider. It’s not just paper to Rhodes Tucker, it’s your hopes and legacy.

Rhodes Tucker occasionally offers estate planning and probate workshops – not simply lectures, but a true interactive experience that should provide instant value. Rhodes Tucker will also provide workshops or take part in panels for your club, church or organization. For more information, please email or call 239.394.5151 or 239.461.0101.


You Should Review Your Estate Plan Because Of:

Family Events

  • Marriage, death, separation or divorce
  • A new baby or grandchild
  • Health declines
  • Children become adults or marry
  • Elderly parents move into your home
  • A child needs lifetime care
  • Lost income or occupation changes
  • Big changes in your assets
  • Changes in your business or business expectations
  • Buying real estate in another state or country
  • You want to move to a different state
  • You change your mind
  • You change accountant, lawyer or stockbroker
  • You haven’t changed advisers in years

Business Changes

  • You sell or take on a partner
  • Children join the company
  • Mergers
  • You buy a larger stake
  • The board or a franchisor requires a transition plan
  • You want to transfer control to children or key employees

News Alters Your Life

  • You hear that federal or state laws changed
  • Your church engages in a new community outreach initiative
  • Your trustee dies or changes her mind
  • Your personal representative moves or becomes ill
  • You find out that your assets are titled in your name, not your living trust
  • You want to maintain privacy and avoid public discussion in court after death
  • Someone you care about recently had a bad result because of a life event